THE LUNAR ECLIPSE AND THE TRANSIT OF VENUS ACROSS THE SUN We come from an ancient tradition that watched the movement in the night sky and the cycle of the Moon and Sun during the day. From this dance we divine meaning for our lives through the art and science of astrology. The ability of the early astronomer/astrologers was limited by what they could see with the naked eye. The longest observed time period was the 29 ½ year cycle of Saturn.
Saros Series: 14 South The New Moon is Gemini 00N
20' The Eclipse is ruled by Mercury at 22N
Taurus 34'. Taurus 23N
A long dark cave illuminated. Mercury is ruled by Venus who is retrograde at
Gemini 23N 24'. The aspect orb between Pluto and Mercury in this chart is 133N 24' an applying, waxing, trioctile. The eighth harmonic is the motivating power behind the creative process. Involved here is a wrestling with our shadow side so that it can be brought into the light. The our inner light can shine forth so that we can relate in love. Robert Blaschke equates this degree with the Sabian symbol for Leo 14: A human soul seeking opportunities for outward manifestation. The Fairchild symbols for Leo 14 is: A writer surrounded by piles of paper works feverishly into the night.In both cases there is a desire to communicate with what lies outside of us.
Introduction The Moon phase is Crescent indicating moving towards square indicating that a struggle will be presenting itself and needs to be worked out. The Moon is 19N Cancer 24' is Cancer 20: A room filled with boxes each delicately wrapped with lace. In the 8th house in its own sign may find people fearful or protective of what they have to offer. On the other hand they may be presenting their ideas in a way that will attract interest. The aspect is an exact waxing octile (Robert Blashcke: Sabian Aspect Orbs). The" ... eighth harmonic as being the motive power behind the creative process itself." Some issues involved are: 1) past knowledge and information may not serve a current crisis situation; 2) the need to restructure existing knowledge to meet current demands and times; 3) create new ways to draw in new learners; 4) trust the creative process; 5) let go of impatience. The aspect equates to Taurus 16: A family tending large indoor gardens during the middle of winter. The emphasis is on family working together to build a community that will feed itself as well as others. The Moon squares Saturn
L at the top of the chart.
Mercury is a player in this chart. It rules the Sun, South Node, Descendant, Venus, Mars, and the Midheaven. However it is in an early degree just ahead of the rising Sun blinding us to its message. It will be difficult to discover the information needed to resolve the issues of this chart. rising The symbols indicate some of the challenges. The psychologist or expert in the Sun degree may have to be strong and stand up for his beliefs. The South Node is Gemini 6: A professor challenging his students to think beyond themselves. - indicating "think outside the box" and consider other viewpoints besides one’s own. The Man in the Descendant degree seeks a new life based on renewed relationships. Venus is letting go of old ways of relating that no longer support cooperative ventures. Mars degree is Virgo 13: A man in a wheelchair wins a race. Whatever difficulties arise, they can be overcome. The Midheaven is Virgo 20: Treasures found in an antique junk shop. Astrology has a rich history which needs to be honored for its contributions to our knowledge. Neptune is the apex planet of the Tsquare with the Nodes. The degree of Neptune is Pisces 4: Wild reindeer running through a valley. There is confusion about a direction to pursue. An opening square to the Sun indicates the need to take responsibility and get clear about how one communicates. It may involve letting go of old ways of thinking and communicating (South Node). This can be a frightening prospect for some. The North Node is Sagittarius 6: A woman applying aloe vera to her sunburn. The closing square gives a clue to the purpose of the chart HEALING within the astrological community. Jupiter rules the North Node and the Ascendant. Uranus is Aries 8: A sapphire pendant in the shape of a beetle. A sextile with the Sun provides the opportunity to present new ideas and information with sincerity. Keywords for the gem sapphire include truth, loyalty, fidelity, and wisdom. Pluto is Capricorn 10: Mice running up and down a creaky old staircase. The image suggests lots of activity in an old, abandoned house. These small but highly adaptive creatures have taken over the establishment and are making it into a home. The square to Uranus suggests that whatever is old and outworn needs to be transformed into a safe haven. Chiron is Pisces 10: Mosaic tile depicting an Aztec ceremony. The image that comes to mind is the sacrifice of the heart at the altar to the Gods. Underlying the word is the idea that one gives up something to a higher order, thus making it holy and connecting to the Universal Source. Opposite Mars, The Man in the Wheelchair indicates a sacrifice encourages reorganization of energies towards a new goal. The Imum Coeli is Pisces 30: A woman’s basketball team. The final degree of the zodiac. Simply stated this is the astrological family. The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity. And in the way our differences combine to create meaning and beauty. StarTrek episode October 18 1968 "Is there in truth no beauty?"